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Speaker: XL Chen 14:00-14:30. Title: Overview on the cryopreservation of woody plants (fruit and forest species). Speaker: M Lambardi 14:30-14:45. Title: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of strawberry by vitrification method using aluminium cryo-plates. Speaker: T Niino 14:45-15:00. Title: Cryopreservation of apricot dormant bud using droplet freezing method. Speaker: S Gupta 15:00-15:15. Title: Evaluation of pollens of 4 Amygdalus species cryopreserved at different temperatures. Speaker: J Xu 15:15-15:30. Title: Plant Germplasm cryopreservation in Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center (SAGC). Speaker: T Lin 15:30-15:45. Title: Current status of Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) germplasm cryopreservation. Speaker: L Mroginski 16:15-16:45. Title: Cryopreservation for security of clonal plant genetic resources. Speaker: BM Reed 16:45-17:00. Title: Cryopreservation of shoot tips of Chinas potato by vitrification, encapsulation-vitrification and droplet-vitrification. Speaker: B Wang 17:00-17:15. Title: Development of cryotherapy for production of viroid free Argyranthemum and preservation of valuable Norwegian strawberry cultivars. Speaker: JH Liu Clarke 17:15-17:30. Title: Cryopreservation of felty germander (Teucrium Polium L.) shoot tips by encapsulation-vitrification method. Speaker: R Shibli Session 2: Technique development June 29, 2011 8:30-9:00. Title: Current application of cryopreservation for long-term conservation of horticultural crops. Speaker: F Engelmann (invited speaker) 9:00-9:30. Title: Seed cryopreservation of ornamentals: challenges and prospects. Speaker: HW Pritchard 9:30-9:45. Title: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) by vitrification method. Speaker: M Shatnawi 9:45-10:00. Title: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of apple (Malus) by encapsulation-dehydration. Speaker: CH Feng 10:30-11:00. Title: Cryopreservation of banana: an important tool for germplasm storage as well as for crop improvement. Speaker: B Panis 11:00-11:15. Title: Cryopreseving clonal germplasm in Korea: Critical points in development and implementation of the droplet-vitrification protocol. Speaker: E Popova 11:15-11:30. Title: In vitro shoot regeneration and cryopreservation of Lilium spp. by vitrification. Speaker: ZF Yin 11:30-11:45. Title: Cryopreservation of pollen from wild herbaceous peony and application in cross-pollination. Speaker: C Song 14:00-14:30. Title: Cryopreservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in China. Speaker: ZW Zhang 14:30-15:00. Title: Genebank management of three crops, potato, garlic and mint, and integration of cryopreservation in a complex collection. Speaker: J Keller 15:00-15:15. Title: Advances in cryopreservation of temperate fruit germplasm. Speaker: YH Zhao 15:15-15:30. Title: Preliminary studies on elimination of Chrysanthemum virus B (CVB) with the heat and ultralow temperature treatment. Speaker: RR Wang 15:30-15:45. Title: Critical moisture content windows differ for the cryopreservation of pomelo (Citrus grandis) seeds and embryonic axes. Speaker: B Wen 16:15-16:45. Title: Strategies for improved fruit crop cryopreservation. Speaker: G Volk 16:45-17:15. Title: Current status of cryopreservation of ornamental plants in China. Speaker: Y Liu 17:15-17:35. Title: Novel and potential application of cryopreservation to plant genetic transformation. Speaker: QC Wang QRS^x1 2 ; H U V ]     # $ Λ|pd|pp|p_p_| heo(h8SMh8SM5CJo(h8SMhe5CJo( h~Jo(h~Jh8SMh>?5CJo(h8SMh~J5CJh8SMh8SM5CJaJo(h~J5CJaJo(h8SMh~J5CJaJh8SMh~J5CJaJo(h8SM5CJaJo(h8SMhACJ aJ o(h8SMh8SM5CJ aJ o(h8SMh8SM5CJ aJ %RS2 H V    f w   $a$gd8SM$a$gd~J$a$gd8SMC e f o v w     $ %    " ) * \]fqrjkst{+8@h8SMh~JaJ heo(h8SM5CJo( h~Jo(h8SMh~J5CJh~Jh8SMhe5CJo(N   # ]rk{+9$a$gd8SM$a$gd~J]^gijs~{|%&./8ELM!"+12콱 heo(h>?h8SMhe5CJo(h8SMh>?5CJh8SM5CJaJo(h8SMh8SM5CJaJo(h8SMh8SM5CJo(h8SMh>?5CJaJo( h>?o(@^j~|&8F"2R`$a$gd>?$a$gd~J2R_gYZcklxVW`hu}NOX`mu12;C h>?o(he heo(h>?h8SMhe5CJo(h8SMh>?5CJh8SM5CJo(4`ZlyWhvO`n2C$a$gd>?0182P. 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