LIU xu

Liu Xu刘旭副教授.JPG

Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Born in Dec.1984, Suzhou City, Anhui, China


Address: College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

No. 22 Xinong Road, Yangling, 712100, Shaanxi, China.


Mobile: +86 189 9124 4886

Telephone: +86-(0)29-8708-2253

Fax: +86-(0)29-8708-2253

1. Education and Work Experience

09.2015 – now, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

05.2015 – 09.2015, Lecturer, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

06.2014 – 05.2015, Postdoctoral training, College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University

09.2009 – 06.2014, Ph.D., Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

09.2005– 06.2009, Bachelor, Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University

2. Research and Teaching

Research interests:

Research and application of gene editing technology in cattle and sheep.

Regulation mechanism of exogenous gene expression in transgenic cattle and sheep.

Study on developmental mechanism of somatic cell clone animal.


Modern Molecular Biology, Topics in Veterinary Management for bachelor students.

Developmental Biology for master students.

3. Memberships and Academic Services

Senior member of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine

4. Honors and Awards

1st Prize, Prize for Science and Technology Progress in Shaanxi Province, 2013 (10/11)

1st Prize, Prize for Science and Technology Progress in Shaanxi Province, 2015 (8/11)

5. Publications

[1] Liu Xu, Wang Yongsheng, Guo Wenjiang, Chang Bohao, Liu Jun, Guo Zekun, Quan Fusheng, Zhang Yong*, Zinc-finger nickase-mediated insertion of the lysostaphin gene into the beta-casein locus in cloned cows. Nature Communications, 2013, 4:2565 (2013).

[2] Rui Cheng#, Xiaoman Zheng#, Yingmei Wang#, Xing Ma#, Xin Liu#, Wenjun Xu, Mengyun Wang, Yuanpeng Gao, Xupeng Xing, Chuan Zhou, Hongzheng Sun, Zekun Guo, Fusheng Quan, Jun Liu*, Song Hua*, Yongsheng Wang*, Yong Zhang*, Xu Liu*, Modification of alternative splicing in bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos using engineered CRISPR-Cas13d.  SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences . (2022).

[3] Liu,Xu, Wang,Yongsheng, Tian,Yuchen, Yu,Yuan, Gao,Mingqing, Hu,Guangdong, Su,Feng, Pan,Shaohui, Luo,Yan, Guo,Zekun Quan,Fusheng, *Zhang,Yong, Generation of mastitis resistance in cows by targeting human lysozyme gene to β-casein locus using zinc-finger nucleases,  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 281:20133368. (2014)

[4] Yingmei Wang#, Xiaoman Zheng#, Rui Cheng#, Jing Han#, Xing Ma, Wenjun Xu, Lu Gao, Anmin Lei, Jun Liu, Fusheng Quan, Yong Zhang*, Xu Liu*, Asymmetric expression of maternal mRNA governs first cell-fate decision.  FASEB JOURNAL, 35:e22006 (2021)

[5] Cheng Rui#, Zheng Xiaoman#, Wang Yingmei#, Wang Mengyun, Zhou Chuan, Liu Jun, Zhang Yong, Quan Fusheng*; Liu Xu*, Genome-wide analysis of alternative splicing differences between oocyte and zygote.  Biology of Reproduction, 102, 5: 999-1010 (2020)

6. Projects and Funding

[1] General Project, No. 31802153, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 270,000 RMB Yuan, 2019.01 – 2021.12, grant holder.

[2] General Project, No. 2018JQ3035, Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, 30,000 RMB Yuan, 2018.01 – 2019.12, grant holder.

[3] Major Project, No. 2016ZX08007-003, National Major Project for Production of Transgenic Breeding, 49,940,000 RMB Yuan, 2016.01 – 2020.12, participant.
