Zhaofen Han


  Associate Prof. Han, (Hannah) Zhaofen


  Contact Information:

  Mailing Address:

  College of Life Sciences

  Northwest A&F University

  Yangling, Shaanxi 712100

  P. R. China

  Phone: (86) 29 87092262

  Fax: (86) 29 87092262

  E-mail: hanzhaofen@nwsuaf.edu.cn

  Office: North Campus, Science Building, College of Life Sciences, E304


  Research Interests:

  1. Plant molecular biology and biochemistry

  2. Plant stress tolerance

  3. Gene and gene function


  Education Experiences:

  •Department of Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. Joint Ph. D. Training Program between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Ministry of Education of China. Research area: Plant molecular biology and plant biotechnology. College of Life Science, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, Yangling, Shannxi, China. Research area: Botany. Ph. D. 2007.

  •College of Agronomy, Guangxi University, Guangxi Province, China. Research area: Agronomy. M. Sc. 1998.

  •College of Horticulture, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, Yangling, Shannxi, China. Research area: Forestry science. B. Sc. 1994.


  Professional Experiences:


  •Associate Professor in College of Life Science, Norwest A&F University (2017-present).  Research area: Plant molecular biology, plant stress tolerance

  •Lecturer in College of Life Science, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University (2001-2017) Research area: Plant molecular biology, plant biotechnology.

  •Visiting Scholar in The University of Western Ontario Canada (2009-2010)


  Honors and Awards:

  • Executive Committee (Observer) of Shaanxi Society of Botany, Chinese Association for Plant Biotechnology (CAPB, formerly, the International Association for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology – China Section), 2014-2017.

  ·Full member of China Association for Biochemstry, 2015-2018.

  • Be selected as a successful candidate by the Ministrybof Science and Technology of China to participate in a three-week Ontario-China Young Scientist Exchange program for 2017, 2017

  •Advanced individual of Northwest A &F University in 2005, 2014, 2016.



  1. Han Zhaofen, Yu Huimin, Zhao Zhong, Hunter David, Luo Xinjuan, Jun Dun and Tian Lining. AtHD2D Gene Plays a Role in Plant Growth, Development and Response to Abiotic Stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, 310(7). doi: 10.3389/fpls. 2016.00310, JCR    Q1,IF="4.495" (2015)


  2. Han Zhaofen, Sibbald Susan, Zhang JiShu, Tian LiNing. Biological Activity of the Tzs Gene of Nopaline Agrobacterium Tumefaciens GV3101 in Plant Regeneration and Genetic Transformation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2013, 26(11), 1359–331. JCR Q1,IF="4.455" (2013)


  3. Han Zhaofen, Wang Qiuping, Luo Xinjuan, Yu Huimin. Characteristic and Function of Histone Deacetylases in Plants. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2017. In press.


  List of book chapter with peer-review


  1. Guo Aiguang, Guo Zekun, Zhaofen Han Coedit, Experimental techniques in Biochemistry. Higher Education Press. “The Eleventh Five-year Plan” National planned textbook of standard institutions of higher education. Thirty thousand words, 2007.


  List of publications in Scientific Journals as Conference Proceeding papers with peer-review.


  1. Han zhaofen,Wang Yankun, Shang Jiyun, Han Menqi, Gao Jinghui, Gene founction of Trans Zeatin synthesease in Agrobacterium GV3101. Plant society of Shaanxi 2014, Xi’an, China. 2014. April 4- 9.Awarded excellence paper at the annual academic meeting of Shannxi Botany Academy in 2014.


  2. Han Zhaofen *, Zhao Zhong, Zhang Xinmei, Tian Lining, Expression and Function Analysis of AtHD2D Gene in Arabidopsis Thaliana,  The 12th national symposium on agricultural biochemistry and molecular biology. 2013. Nanning, Guangxi, 2013.12.22 -12.25,p28-30.


  3. Han Zhaofen, Study of Histone Deacetylase Genes for Stress Tolerance in Plants. CSPP-SCPV Eastern Regional Meeting, 2010. Ontario Canada, Guelph, 2010. January 4- 9


  4. Han ZhaoFen, Sibbald Susan, Zhang JiShu, Tian Lining *, The Biologic Activity of the Tzs Gene of Nopaline Agrobacterium tumefaciens Strain and Potential Utility in Plant Shoot Regeneration. The 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, 2010. Guelph, Ontario Canada, 2010, 1.4-9, p109-112.


  List of international conference and meeting presentations


  1. Han Zhaofen, Zhang Jishu, Rima Menassa, Tian Lining, Study of Histone Deacetylase Genes for Stress Tolerance in Plants. CSPP-SCPV Eastern Regional Meeting, 2009.Guelph,Ontario Canada, 2009. 12.04-12.09. p161-163.

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Address: No.3 Taicheng Road, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 712100

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