董娟娥,女,1968年9月生,陕西省蒲城县人, 生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,生物科学系主任,植物学博士点负责人。1991年本科毕业于西北林学院,2001年硕士研究生毕业于 ,2008年博士毕业于中国科学院水利部水土保持与生态研究中心。2009和2010年美国亚利桑那大学和华盛顿州立大学访问学者。日本杜仲研究会会员,陕西省中药产业联盟专家委员,陕西省中药研究会理事,陕西省中药协会顾问委员,陕西省药学会中药、天然药物专业委员会委员,宁夏固原中药产业发展高级顾问。曾入选中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划, “青年骨干支持计划”。
1. 植物次生代谢调控:通过反向遗传学、生物化学、分子生物学和细胞生物学等理论与手段,解析SA、Ca2+、H2O2等参与调控丹参次生代谢物生物合成的分子机制。
2. 中药材生产质量控制:研究药用植物种质资源与优良品种筛选、活性成分评测、中药材轻简化栽培、中药材指纹图谱与质量评价、中药材生产质量控制等。
3. 天然产物提取分离与利用:研究天然产物成分的提纯、生物活性筛选及相关产品研发。
1. Ca2+介导水杨酸调控丹参丹酚酸B生物合成机制研究:国家自然科学基金
2. H2O2对水杨酸诱导丹酚酸B生物合成的响应及作用机制:国家自然科学基金
3. 橡胶用和药用杜仲定向培育与高校利用关键技术研究:国家“十三五”重点研发计划子课题
4. 秦巴山区林药资源泛素化筛选与规范化栽培技术:国家林业公益性行业专项重大项目子课题
5. 高药、高胶型杜仲道地性形成机制及规范化栽培技术研究:陕西省科技攻关
6. 多指标杜仲活性成分提取技术研究:陕西省重点研发计划
1. Yichun, Yang, Pai Peng, Qing Yang, Dongmei Wang, Juane Dong. Fabrication of renewable gutta percha/silylated nanofibers membrane for highly effective oil-water emulsions separation, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 530: 147163. IF="6.18.
2. Pei Tianlin, Ma Pengda, Ding, Kai, Liu Sijia, Jia Yanyan, Ru Mei, Dong, Juane, Liang, Zongsuo. SmJAZ8 acts as a core repressor regulating JA-induced biosynthesis of salvianolic acids and tanshinones in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy roots. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, 69(7): 1663–1678. IF="5.8
3. Xingneng Wei, Xiaoang Yang, Aolei Ma, Junhua Zhang, Pai Peng, Juane Dong. Fullerene C60/Eucommia ulmoides rubber nanocomposite films with excellent UV-blocking performance for controlling wheat scab fungus. Industrial Crops & Products. 2021, 162: 113301. IF="4.244.
4. Xingneng Wei, Pai Peng, Feng Peng, Juane Dong. Natural polymer Eucommia ulmoides rubber: A novel material. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2021, 69: 69, 3797-3821. IF="4.192.
5. Zhang B, Li X, Li X, Lu Z, Cai X, Ou Yang Q, Ma P, Dong J. Lipopolysaccharide Enhances Tanshinone Biosynthesis via a Ca2+-Dependent Manner in Salvia miltiorrhiza Hairy Roots. Int J Mol Sci. 2020, 21(24):9576. IF="4.556
6. Xie Y, Ding M, Zhang B, Yang J, Pei T, Ma P, Dong J. Genome-wide characterization and expression profiling of MAPK cascade genes in Salvia miltiorrhiza reveals the function of SmMAPK3 and SmMAPK1 in secondary metabolism. BMC Genomics. 2020, 21(1):630. IF="3.594
7. Wang R, Ma P, Li C, Xiao L, Liang Z, Dong J. Combining transcriptomics and metabolomics to reveal the underlying molecular mechanism of ergosterol biosynthesis during the fruiting process of Flammulina velutipes. BMC Genomics. 2019, 20(1):999. IF="3.594
8. Wang R, Jiang H, Zhou Z, Guo H, Dong J. Physiological and transcriptome analysis reveal molecular mechanism in Salvia miltiorrhiza leaves of near-isogenic male fertile lines and male sterile lines. BMC Genomics. 2019, 20(1):780. IF="3.594
9. Xiuhong Li, Hongbo Guo, Yuexin Qi, Hailong Liu, Xiaoru Zhang, Pengda Ma, Zongsuo Liang, Juane Dong*. Salicylic acid-induced cytosolic acidification increases the accumulation of phenolic acids in Salvia miltiorrhiza cells. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 2016, 126: 333–341. IF="2.1
10. Zhang X R, Dong J*, Liu H L, Wang J, Qi Y X, Liang Z S. Transcriptome sequencing in response to salicylic acid in Salvia miltiorrhiza . PLoS One, 2016, 11(1): e0147849. IF="3.1
11. Guo H, Dang X, Dong J*. Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide are Involved in Salicylic Acid-Induced Salvianolic Acid B Production in Salvia miltiorrhiza Cell Cultures. Molecules. 2014, 19(5): 5913–5924. IF="2.1
12. Juane Dong*, Guowei Wan, Zongsuo Liang. Investigation on ultrasound-assisted extraction of salvianolic acid B from Salvia miltiorrhiza root. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2010, 17(1): 61–65. IF="3.2
13. Juane Dong, Guowei Wan, Zongsuo Liang. Accumulation of salicylic acid-induced phenolic compounds and raised activities of secondary metabolic and antioxidative enzymes in Salvia miltiorrhiza cell culture. Journal of Biotechnology, 2010, 148(2–3): 99–104. IF="3.0
14. Juane Dong *, Xihan Ma, Zhen Ma, Zhuorui Fu. Effects of green-keeping treatment on the functional constituents in flower tea of Eucommia ulmoides . Industrial Crops and Products, 2012, 36(1): 389–394. IF="4.244
15. Juane Dong, Xihan Ma, Qin Wei. Effects of growing location on the contents of secondary metabolites in the leaves of four selected superior clones of Eucommia ulmoides . Industrial Crops and Products 2011, 34(3): 1107–1114. IF="4.244
16. Juane Dong, Xihan Ma, Zhuorui Fu, Ying Guo. Effects of microwave drying on the contents of functional constituents of Eucommia ulmoides flower tea. Industrial Crops and Products 2011, 34(1): 1102–1110. IF="4.244
1. “杜仲优良品种选育与次生代谢物深度开发利用”获陕西省科学技术一等奖
2. “中药材规范化生产技术体系的建立”获陕西省科学技术二等奖
3. “秦仲1–4号杜仲良种选育与次生代谢物深度开发利用”获陕西省林业厅科技进步特等奖
4. “水环境下造林苗木生根萌芽机理与造林关键技术研究” 获陕西省科技进步二等奖
5. “农林院校药用植物学课程体系建设与教学内容改革”获陕西省优秀教学成果二等奖
6. “创建产学研基地,加强学生实际认知能力培养”获陕西省优秀教学成果二等奖
7. 一种丹酚酸B的超声波提取方法(发明专利)
8. 一种杜仲花叶茶制备方法(发明专利)
9. 绿色杜仲雄花茶的制备方法(发明专利)
10. 种脱除杜仲叶苦涩异味的方法(发明专利)
1. 植物次生代谢与调控(主编), 出版社,2009
2. 丹参规范化生产(副主编),科学出版社,2014
3. 杜仲茶营养评价(主编), 出版社,2020
4. 杜仲研究(副主编),科学出版社,2021
5. 药用植物繁育学(国家“十一五”规划教材)(副主编),中国林业出版社,2007
6. 风靡全球的杜仲健康新理念(副主编), 出版社,2007
7. 药用植物学(国家“十一五”规划教材)(统稿,参编),中国林业出版社,2007
8. 药用植物育种学(国家“十一五”规划教材)(参编),中国农业出版社,2010
通讯地址:陕西 杨凌 西农路22号 生命科学学院,712100