关于举办“Plant Susceptibility Genes and Their Application” 学术报告的通知
报告题目:Plant Susceptibility Genes and Their Application
报告人:Ming-Shun Chen教授
Plant resistance genes to pathogens and insects have been widely studied and applied in Agriculture. The challenge with plant resistance mediated by major resistance genes (based on a gene-for-gene interaction) is short-lived, lasting for only a few years. Plant susceptibility, the other side of the coin of plant resistance, remains to be characterized at the molecular level. In this study, a plant susceptibility gene to both an insect and a pathogen, has been cloned and characterized. The potential of this gene (named Mds-1) in pest management has been demonstrated through transient and permanent knockdown via transgenes.
Ming-Shun Chen教授,现工作于美国堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University),美国农业部农业研究中心小麦抗逆(抗虫)功能基因研究首席专家。研究特长:小麦抗逆分子生物学。 研究工作经历:在小麦与昆虫互作中抗逆基因表达谱及代谢组变化特征研究、小麦抗虫的分子机制、以及小麦抗逆基因的功能鉴定等方面进行了开创性的研究工作,在PNAS,MPMI,BMC Evolutionary Biology等刊物发表论文40多篇,担任TAG,J. of Insects Physiology等国际SCI 期刊的编委以及40多个SCI 期刊的审稿专家。
生命学院 研究生院